There’s few things better than a walk with your dog – the fresh air, the sense of being at one with nature, just you and your furry best friend.
April showers and muddy ground can mean a muddy dog and this in turn means bath time for your pooch…
Whether your dog loves or loathes bath time you still have to consider the clean up. Mud, hair (some breeds molt up to 100 hairs a day in the Spring), and general dirt and grime are all washing down the plughole and can spell problems for the flow of water.
Hair, human or otherwise, is the biggest culprit when it comes to bathroom blockages. The average person loses 100-150 hairs every day and some breeds of dog she up to 100 hairs per day in the Spring, which can build up over time and can create a matrix-like structure in the plughole upon which other bathroom blockage culprits (soap scum, toothpaste, sulphates in shampoo)become lodged. Combine that with other body hair grooming and you’ll quickly see the buildup in bathroom plugholes.
How to treat a blockage:
Blockages are disruptive so effective treatment is important. Buster Bathroom Plughole Unblocker has a unique formulation able to dissolve Keratin, a protein of which hair is made up of, as well as tackling soap, silicone, oil and toothpaste. To prevent blockages in the first place use Buster Deep Clean Foamer, which works to prevent the buildup of hair and soap scum, the leading cause of blockages. Use weekly for best results.